Monday 19 June 2017



It's been so long since the last time I updated this blog. I don't really know what to write so bear with me. If you know me then you must know that I thrive on randomness.

 To prove that to you, one day I saw an ant walking in a street staring at all the hobbits jumping through the sidewalks. This was a moment of truth for me because both the elephants and the wizards represent the true meaning of life. I have always wanted to be the better person but when you live in a place surrounded by shitty people you kind of need to drink lots of water. Now you'll ask me why is the title called bowl.

Thank you for reading this, I really hope you enjoy randomness as I do because what's life without a whimsy.😜

Thursday 13 February 2014

Whats Shaking in my Head

Episode 3

Back to blogging? Maybe? Maybe not?

Woha, Long time no see people!! What’s new? Hope everything is going well with you :D
So, Blogging Eh? :P haven’t done that in a long time, it should be fun going back to those days :D

What is shaking in my head? I ask my self this question almost every morning. What do you I need to do? What goals do I have to achieve? Lets just say things get crazy in my mornings (well at least in my head)

I am not sure what I am i supposed to write here, so ill just go with it and see if I can come up with some touchy feely stuff that you guys find interesting :P

Oh yeah!! I remember reading something interesting last year that will literally shake your head!!

So there is this manuscript called Voynich manuscript.

What’s so special about this manuscript you say? Well it’s the only manuscript that couldn’t be translated. Also, its origin is still a mystery. You might think it’s a book just like any other until you see what it contains.

Here are some pictures of the book
I know what you're thinking of "THEY HAD COLOURS BACK THEN"

Copyrights blah blah :D


Get a life already ...

Weirdass sh*t!!

The weird part doesn’t stop there; some say that it contains so many detailed structures of some plants that you can only see through a microscope YES A MICROSCOPE !!!!! Also the one who wrote it is appranlty obsessed with bathing for some reason. (pervert alert)

Now, some cryptographers think that this book is just full of nonsense, which might make sense since they know it all ... -_- . This book was bought by Wilfrid Voynech (hence the name) in 1912. Therefore, who ever wrote it was either looking for money or was one hell of a scientist.(again pervert alert) So, the mystery behind this book still unsolved.

Oh yeah, the book is currently at Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library if you ever want to go and see it :D

So this is what I got for now, hope you guys like this post although its brief and so random.

Thanks for your patience. XOXO

Wednesday 20 February 2013

What's shaking in my head

Episode 2

It has been so long since i last wrote here, its not that i didnt want to write but whenever i think of something, and want to write about it, it turns out to be cheesy as hell, so i stop.

this time you might feel like im trying a different approach but its the same basic stuff i always write about.

My mind.

The mind is a confusing "one might say" living thing. A person dont always say or do whatever on their mind, i know some people who might beg to differ with that statment, but as J.D Salinger always said they are just bunch of "phonies".

Yes, i dont always say whats on my mind. Actually most of the time i dont say or do whats on my mind, because if you know what was there you wouldn't want to see it !

I am the most racist/pervert/mean person in my head, i swear if i ever get drunk you wouldn't want to be beside me :P, as i said before you only show what you want to show. But, that doesnt mean im a bad person, or at least that's what i think.

People tend to treat you by what they see and feel, so it doesnt matter what is on your mind as long as you show/dont show it.

Most of the times whenever im surrounded by people i try to find the little things that make them different from the others,and most of the time i see the weirdest sh*t ever. Some people tend to be creepy (i believe im one of them when i go all awkward) and some try hard not to hide their true personality (which doesnt always work).

its a bad thing when you look at it from all different angles, but i think it is kind of showing what you got in a different way. Like stalking, yes i stalk alot (Online only I SWEAR!!!) but i only stalk those who i care about, its just a way to catch up with them although when they find out that i know something i wasnt supposed to know the conversation tend to go all creepy :P .. but hey! in the end you show what you want to show online right? its not like i went to your house and started snatching through your stuff. :D

some might say that i have multiple personalities, but i dont think i do. You will see my true personality when you help me showing it. i tend to be all awkward around people i've just met but really like, although thats not my real personality but its like my special defence mechanisim, so if you dont like me i tell my self "hey screw him/her they dont even know the real you" :P thats weird i know but thats what makes me ME :D

I know i wrote alot of things that shouldnt be wrote but Oh well.. who cares.

And, I know most of you out there are just like me but you dont want to admit it :P

In the end, no body is perfect, but you should always try to aim at perfection.
XOXO To Ya'll <3

Wednesday 17 October 2012

What's Shaking In My Head


This post is going to be a bit different.

I'd like to start a series that i call "What's Shaking In My Head"

Lets see how it goes.

This series is 100% based on my imagination. if you like it then i think i achieved something, if you don't then you sir/ma'am is confusing me with someone who gives a sh*t :P



Death is the most definite thing a human must do. So thinking on what's going to happen after death is purely based on your religion/beliefs. But what happens in life?

I keep thinking that life is a straight line, and every person has his own line, and you only die when you are 100% unable to function as a human AKA "getting reaaaallllyyyy olllddddd":P

You are going to ask, how is that possible?

Let me tell you.

Now imagine that you are a line that goes straight, so when you die lets say in a car accident what happens is you are still alive but others see you as a dead person.

you actually survive that car accident but in another person's line you died.

Now each line keep going straight you live as if you just got injured and survived that accident , and the other person lives as if you are dead and out of this world.

So your line is going to have many branches that are connected to other people's lines, but you are still going to live till you get really old that you cant function anymore and die

That ran through my mind lots of times yet i still find it puzzling and interesting at the same time :D

In the end as i said this is all based on my imaginations so don't take its seriously :D

Here is a sketch that i made, it might help you understand what i mean or it might make you more confused :P
This is* im too lazy to fix it -_- FYI i used paint for this so excuse me for not wanting to fix a lil typo
Thank you for reading and i hope you actually understood what i meant :P

Monday 3 September 2012

Last Day in the UAE

So as most of you know School is starting soon, So im kind of back to blogging :P

This summer was filled with action ill try to talk about some of them.

When vactaion started i received the worst news a student could ever receive! i failed chemistry -____-!!

So because of that i had to go back home then go back to Canada again -__-!!

but i didnt let that ruin my vacation so i went to France with my family before my summer classes started.

thats all your getting and no im not touching my nose -__-! 

So i went back to canada took Chem again -__-! but thank i did well on it !! so yeah NO MORE CHEM FOR ME !!!!

I went back home, Long journey i know :( , and because i didn't want to spend my summer sitting at home and do nothing, i started volunteering again.

I had so much fun volunteering and met lots of people whome i proudly call my friends <3

My Fweinds <3

In the end i would like to thank everyone who shared their summer with me <3 and hope you guys succeed in your future journeys.

Good Bye guys <3

I know this was a brief one but i promise a long and more entertaining one in the future #kthxbye <3

Monday 30 April 2012

Welcome back :D

As you may all know I finshed my finals on the 25th of this month, and im all free now :D

I didn't get my grades, so i dont know how well i did, hopefully i did good *Fingers crossed* :P
After the exams i tried to stay out of the house as i could.


Me and some of my friends went to a near by place that had go kart and mini golf, lets just say it was amazing.

Khaled <3
Me golfing for the first time :P

The day after

I went to my friend's house and he cooked random delicious dishes for us <3
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <3
Monaji and I cooking... :P helped serving* :P

And then the Dessert *.*

All in all it was an a amazing first week of my vacation and hopefully everything will go as planned :D

Oh yeah,
I'm going back home next week so ill try to focus more on the blog and try to make it more fun to read :D

Thanks for reading Y'all, and don't forget to keep on smiling :D
Smile :D

Monday 19 March 2012

New Week...

Soccer/ Football (for those outside of north America :P )

Last Thursday, My friends and I played in a Fundraising soccer tournament. The tournament stated at 9 am (I had to wake up at 8 am !!! imagine that :P)

There were 6 teams,2 groups, 3 teams in each group. Our teams was Called "KSA"-_- :P .. it just because most of the team were Saudis :P

I'll try to make this short, We were the 1st on our group, then we had to play the semi final and final, lets just say we crushed them :P

and yes we won the tournament :D
The Winning team :D

Back to Cooking

I think cooking was in me all along but it took me time to embrace it :P

I cooked pasta this past week and it was DEE EEE ELL AII SEE AII AOH YOO ESS DELICIOUS :P
Hawt <3


Most of you know that next month we are going to start our final exams, because of that its going to be hard for me to update this boring blog :P

So i might stop updating the blog until I am done with my finals. Wish me luck :D .. ( Ed3ooly please <3)

Soon :'(
See you all on May <3

Y'all gonna be missed :(